Tag: honey

blueberry chia seed jam

blueberry chia seed jam

Jon and Gabriel both love jam on bread for breakfast, and as I’m all for healthy substitutes, I decided to start making my own jam at home — minus the sugar and all the empty calories. You can make jam out of pretty much any 

cooked mushroom and caramelized onion salad

cooked mushroom and caramelized onion salad

If there’s one thing all Jewish families have in common no matter their origin, it’s our love for food. We always tend to overcook and have leftovers for days, which is not a bad thing, since we end up having lots of meals in the freezer 

quick coconut granola

quick coconut granola

Sleep deprivation is really tough. So tough, but worth every lost second of sleep when I see our beautiful Gabriel smile and grow by the minute. If you believe that a baby sleeping a long 6-hour stretch at night qualifies as “sleeping through the night”, well then Gabriel has been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks already, waking up once at night to feed and then starting the day at 7am. Sometimes he’s ready to party at 6am, and on days like those, a quick breakfast really comes in handy. I’m thinking yoghurt topped with granola or overnight oats made with granola.

Continue reading quick coconut granola

healthy carrot walnut bread

healthy carrot walnut bread

Sweet breakfast breads made with vegetables are really not a European thing…however, carrot, zucchini or pumpkin make yummy brunch cakes and should be used more often! From all the healthy breakfast breads I’ve made, this one has got to be one of my favorites. It’s nutritious, moist, naturally 

salmon teriyaki skewers

salmon teriyaki skewers

For us, the summer season officially starts when we have our first barbecue of the year. But although we had our first barbecue a couple of weeks ago, since then lots has changed. It has rained, it has poured, it has been abnormally cold for 

roasted eggplant and almond salad

roasted eggplant and almond salad

Months ago, I embarked on a journey to find an easy roasted eggplant salad — one that wouldn’t require too much of my time, but that would nevertheless taste incredible. I was looking for a dressing that would be both sweet and savory, something that would dress up the eggplant so perfectly well while enhancing its smoky, roasted flavor.

Continue reading roasted eggplant and almond salad

quinoa salad with caramelized walnuts and cranberries

quinoa salad with caramelized walnuts and cranberries

Running has really grown on me. I always hated it, but ever since I started running in April, I have fallen in love with the sport. It’s so easy to keep up with — all you need is the right pair of sneakers and off you 

asian stir-fried mushrooms

asian stir-fried mushrooms

It’s hot. It’s never been so hot in Geneva for the past 20 years. I’m finding myself trying to keep cool by showering a zillion times a day, watering the garden while watering my legs at the same time and sipping on cold homemade juices just to